14th of November 2024
Activity from 1 juggler:
achieved 2 records:

1m (244 catches) of 5 ball cascade, 244 catches of Most catches in 1 minute of 5 ball cascade
13th of November 2024
Activity from 7 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

47 catches of 3 ball 1 hand async fountain, 108 catches of 3 club cascade in flats
and earned 1 badge:
3c Flats
  - View AlexBrown's badge progress
achieved 8 records:

158 catches of 3 ball (4x,2x)(4,2x)*, 10 catches of 2 ring 31, 10 catches of 2 ring 31, 60 catches of 2 ring 411, 24 catches of 2 ring 5111, 30 catches of 2 ring 51112, 70 catches of 3 ball 525151512, 69 catches of 3 ball 525151512 isolated
and added 6 patterns:
2 ring 31, 2 ring 411, 2 ring 5111, 2 ring 51112, 3 ball 525151512, 3 ball 525151512 isolated
artifaxiom achieved 1 record:
1m 12s of 4 ball inverted sprung cascade
and earned 8 badges:
Joined JR
4b Flash
4 Qualify
Prized 1
Records 1
Fighter 1
Tick Tock
  - View artifaxiom's badge progress
Benjamin Thompson
achieved 1 record:

240 catches of 5 ball 666714
ilia poliakov
achieved 3 records:

22 catches of 4 ball async fountain with penguin catches, 12m 14s (1200 catches) of 3 club cascade in doubles, 8 catches of 3 ball treblas
achieved 2 records:

69 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 69 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
12th of November 2024
Activity from 6 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

55 catches of 5 ball cascade
achieved 1 record:

36m 10s of 3 ball cascade
Jonny Moore
achieved 2 records:

67 catches of 6 ball 963, 89 catches of 5 club 744
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 7 records:

20 catches of 4 club scissors, 18 catches of 3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples, 35 catches of 7 ball a7747, 35 catches of 7 ball 88aa661, 28 catches of 7 ball a47, 52 catches of 7 ball (ax,6)(6,6)*, 44s of 5 club cascade in doubles
achieved 1 record:

30 catches of 5 ring 744 with a ring balanced on the head
Ziablickii Aleksandr
achieved 1 record:

6 catches of 6 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
6r Flash
  - View Ziablickii Aleksandr's badge progress
11th of November 2024
Activity from 6 jugglers:
achieved 5 records:

63 catches of 3 ball (4x,2x)(4,2x)*, 26 catches of 3 ball 1 hand 60, 160 catches of 3 ball (4x,2x)(2,4)(2,4), 85 catches of 3 ball 5511522, 44 catches of 3 ball 5511
and added 3 patterns:
3 ball (4x,2x)(4,2x)*, 3 ball 1 hand 60, 3 ball 5511522
Aviv Fintsy
achieved 1 record:

110 catches of 4 club sync fountain in singles
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

81 catches of 7 ball 978972975, 16 catches of 4 club scissors, 34 catches of 7 ball 88b9751, 65 catches of 7 ball 86885, 21 catches of 7 ball 993
achieved 2 records:

63 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 63 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
10th of November 2024
Activity from 12 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

39 catches of 3 club cascade in triples, 18 catches of 3 ball 6161601
and added 1 pattern:
3 ball 6161601
Axel Petitclair
achieved 1 record:

17 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 1 record:

36 catches of 5 ball (8,4x)(4,4)(4x,6x)*
achieved 4 records:

78 catches of 3 ball 771111, 108 catches of 3 ball 771111, 105 catches of 3 ball reverse shoulder throws, 10 catches of 5 ball 97531
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

13 catches of 10 ball async fountain
ilia poliakov
achieved 2 records:

54 catches of 3 ball shower blind, 54 catches of 3 ball mills mess blind
earned 1 badge:

Champ 1
  - View Madsibabaj's badge progress
Ravi Fernando
achieved 1 record:

16 catches of 8 ball 99999991
achieved 2 records:

56 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 56 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
and earned 1 badge:
  - View Stan's badge progress
9th of November 2024
Activity from 5 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

210 catches of 3 ball 771111
achieved 7 records:

16 catches of 6 ball 77772, 12 catches of 5 ball 72727, 40 catches of 4 ball 5551, 40 catches of 4 ball 5551, 73 catches of 3 ball reverse shoulder throws, 84 catches of 3 ball 771111, 72 catches of 3 ball 771111
Etnz the Etnah
earned 3 badges:

Prized 1
Records 1
  - View Etnz the Etnah's badge progress
Etnz the Etnah
joined The 2024 Numbers Juggling League
James Hennigan
achieved 3 records:

154 catches of 6 ring async fountain, 31 catches of 7 ring cascade, 33 catches of 6 ball 963
8th of November 2024
Activity from 12 jugglers:
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

100 catches of 5 ring cascade
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 2 records:

7 for Most 5 ball 3 up 360s in 1 minute, 1m 11s (266 catches) of 4 ball mills mess
achieved 3 records:

8 catches of 4 ball 1 hand async fountain, 8 catches of 4 ball 1 hand async fountain, 75 catches of 4 ball 534
Eivind Dragsjo
achieved 1 record:

1h 8m 15s of 3 ball cascade
and earned 2 badges:
3b End.
Prized 6
  - View Eivind Dragsjo's badge progress
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

11 catches of 9 ring cascade
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

5m of 3 bounce ball double bounce cascade
and added 1 pattern:
4 ball 71
Jonti Ruell
achieved 1 record:

10 catches of 10 ball sync fountain
and earned 1 badge:
10b Flash
  - View Jonti Ruell's badge progress
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 4 records:

54 catches of 4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head, 28 catches of 7 ball 88b9751, 36 catches of 7 ball aa1, 61 catches of 7 ball 979962
achieved 1 record:

20 catches of 7 ring (8x,6)*
achieved 1 record:

100 catches of 5 ball (6x,4)* isolated
and earned 1 badge:
5b SS 1
  - View Wikijongleria's badge progress
Danil Lysenko
earned 5 badges:

Prized 1
Records 1
  - View Danil Lysenko's badge progress
Danil Lysenko
joined The 2024 Numbers Juggling League
7th of November 2024
Activity from 5 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

105 catches of 5 ball 744, 5 catches of 5 ball 1 hand async fountain
Joshua Olayanju achieved 1 record:
59m 52s of 3 ball cascade
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

12 catches of 4 club scissors, 5 catches of 5 club 66661, 59 catches of 7 ball 88991, 35 catches of 7 ball 96956, 55 catches of 7 ball 86885
6th of November 2024
Activity from 8 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

125 catches of 5 ball cascade
achieved 4 records:

54 catches of 3 ball 771111, 14 catches of 8 ball wimpy, 10 catches of 9 ball cascade, 9 catches of 3 ball reverse cascade behind the back
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

41 catches of 8 ball 97 half shower
ilia poliakov
achieved 2 records:

38 catches of 4 club 63551, 124 catches of 4 ball 7531
James Hennigan
achieved 1 record:

9 catches of 8 ball 978
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 6 records:

88 catches of 8 ball 99999991, 65 catches of 7 ball 86975, 41 catches of 7 ball a66a77971, 44 catches of 7 ball (ax,6)(6,6)*, 27 catches of 7 ball a47, 10 catches of 4 club scissors
earned 2 badges:

  - View Tamino's badge progress
5th of November 2024
Activity from 11 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

6 catches of 6 club async fountain in doubles
Aviv Fintsy
achieved 2 records:

670 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 360 catches of 4 ball sync fountain
and earned 1 badge:
  - View Aviv Fintsy's badge progress
Dylan Tweed
achieved 1 record:

18 catches of 8 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
Records 6
  - View Dylan Tweed's badge progress
Etnz the Etnah
achieved 1 record:

33 catches of 5 ball cascade
and earned 2 badges:
5b Flash
5 Qualify
  - View Etnz the Etnah's badge progress
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

2m 54s of 3 ball 52242
achieved 1 record:

2m 47s (304 catches) of 3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head
Jonny Moore
achieved 1 record:

23 catches of 7 club cascade in triples
Jonti Ruell
added 1 pattern:

5 ball 864a17531
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 8 records:

3h 9m 23s of 3 ring cascade, 52 catches of 4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head, 8 catches of 4 club scissors, 41 catches of 7 ball 99692, 37 catches of 7 ball a66a77971, 50 catches of 7 ball 86975, 200 catches of 3 club backcrosses in triples, 1m 8s of 6 ring async fountain
4th of November 2024
Activity from 6 jugglers:
added 1 pattern:

3 ball 75300
and earned 6 badges:
Records 6
Fighter 1
Fighter 2
Fighter 3
Fighter 4
Tick Tock
  - View daniel_ortunho's badge progress
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 2 records:

2m 2s of 4 ball [54]225[22]2, 88 catches of 3 ball (2,4x)(2x,4)
and added 2 patterns:
3 club 5340, 3 club 53403
Jonti Ruell
achieved 1 record:

130 catches of 5 ball a1464
Kira Nakushian
achieved 1 record:

7m 36s of 3 club cascade in singles
Simon Penkava earned 1 badge:
Joined JR
  - View Simon Penkava's badge progress
3rd of November 2024
Activity from 9 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

110 catches of 5 ball cascade
achieved 2 records:

444 catches of 3 ball box, 2 catches of 3 ball cascade in behind the neck throws
Dylan Tweed
achieved 1 record:

19 catches of 11 ball cascade
Eivind Dragsjo
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 12 ring sync fountain
and earned 1 badge:
12r Flash
  - View Eivind Dragsjo's badge progress
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

10 catches of 10 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
10r Flash
  - View Florian Lange's badge progress
ilia poliakov
achieved 15 records:

54 catches of 3 club 50505 in singles, 80 catches of 3 club box in flats, 4m (520 catches) of 3 club 423 in flats, 7m (800 catches) of 3 club cascade in one and a halfs, 1m 8s (215 catches) of 3 club shower in flat fronts, 23 catches of 4 club (6x,4)(4,2x)*, 24 catches of 4 club 6352, 3m 15s (612 catches) of 4 club columns in singles, 12 catches of 5 club (6x,4)*, 7m 32s (800 catches) of 3 club 423 in singles, 2m 50s (500 catches) of 3 ball mills mess with clawed catches, 1200 catches of 3 ball cascade with arms crossed, 1200 catches of 3 ball (4x,4x)(4x,0)*, 70 catches of 3 ball shower in half contortionist, 4 catches of 5 ball backcrosses
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 5 records:

148 catches of 2 club 31 in singles, 1m 18s of 2 ball 31, 150 catches of 2 ball 312, 5m of 3 ball 3334242424233342424242, 4m 13s of 3 ring 33355500
and earned 1 badge:
Champ 3
  - View Jacek Bernatek's badge progress
achieved 2 records:

43 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 43 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
2nd of November 2024
Activity from 3 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

8 catches of 8 ball wimpy
and earned 1 badge:
8b Flash
  - View AndyAndieFreude's badge progress
James Hennigan
achieved 2 records:

146 catches of 6 ring async fountain, 106 catches of 7 ball (8x,6)*
achieved 2 records:

1m 10s of 4 ball async fountain with clawed catches, 10m 43s of 2 ring 1 hand columns
and earned 1 badge:
Records 4
  - View LukaszJaroszuk's badge progress
1st of November 2024
Activity from 8 jugglers:
Aramis Gonzalez
achieved 1 record:

41 catches of 9 ring cascade
Aviv Fintsy
achieved 1 record:

108 catches of 4 ball 534 mills mess variation
achieved 1 record:

15 catches of 7 ball cascade
and earned 1 badge:
7 Qualify
  - View daniel_ortunho's badge progress
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

2m 20s of 3 bounce ball lift shower
Joshua Olayanju achieved 1 record:
2m 32s of 3 ball 3 half shower
and earned 1 badge:
½ Shower
  - View Joshua Olayanju's badge progress
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 3 records:

55 catches of 7 ball 88991, 35 catches of 7 ball 99692, 23 catches of 7 ball 9a556
31st of October 2024
Activity from 12 jugglers:
achieved 3 records:

100 catches of 4 ball shower, 20 catches of 5 ball shower, 10 catches of 4 ball 6661606616602
and added 1 pattern:
4 ball 6661606616602
Anežka Houhová
achieved 1 record:

193 catches of 3 ball cascade blind behind the back
achieved 5 records:

30 catches of 3 ball 771111, 30 catches of 3 ball 771111, 105 catches of 3 ball 75300, 150 catches of 3 ball 531, 25 catches of 3 ball 7770000
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

11 catches of 11 ball cascade
and earned 1 badge:
11b Flash
  - View Florian Lange's badge progress
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

88 catches of 4 bounce ball lift 6B33
Jonny Moore
achieved 1 record:

4 catches of 4 club 1 hand async fountain
achieved 1 record:

22 catches of 6 ball sync fountain
achieved 2 records:

35 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 35 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
Ziablickii Aleksandr
achieved 3 records:

42 catches of 5 ball (6x,4)*, 15 catches of 4 ball 714, 24 catches of 4 club [43]23
30th of October 2024
Activity from 10 jugglers:
Anežka Houhová
achieved 1 record:

143 catches of 3 ball cascade blind behind the back
Aviv Fintsy
achieved 1 record:

98 catches of 3 club 6316131
Ben Mellinger
achieved 1 record:

75 catches of 4 ball 534
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 1 record:

1m 39s (416 catches) of 5 ball (6x,4)*
Joshua Olayanju achieved 2 records:
2m 6s of 4 ball async fountain, 22 catches of 4 ball columns
and earned 1 badge:
  - View Joshua Olayanju's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

56 catches of 6 ball async fountain
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

32 catches of 4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head, 176 catches of 3 club backcrosses in triples, 50 catches of 7 ball 88991, 70 catches of 7 ball 8899991881, 92 catches of 7 ball 97b77717
and added 1 pattern:
7 ball 978b8819781
achieved 2 records:

24 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 24 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
29th of October 2024
Activity from 7 jugglers:
Christian Grassmann
achieved 2 records:

5m 5s of 3 ball cascade, 2m 30s of 5 ball cascade
and earned 6 badges:
Champ 1
3b Flash
3 Qualify
Diverse 2
Tick Tock
  - View Christian Grassmann's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

13 catches of 7 ball cascade
James Hennigan
achieved 1 record:

14 catches of 8 ring sync fountain
Ziablickii Aleksandr
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 4 ball 714
28th of October 2024
Activity from 10 jugglers:
Axel Petitclair
achieved 1 record:

13 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles
and earned 1 badge:
5c Qualify
  - View Axel Petitclair's badge progress
Christian Grassmann
achieved 2 records:

80 catches of 4 club async fountain, 15 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles
and earned 5 badges:
4c Qualify
5c Qualify
4c Flash
5c Flash
Records 3
  - View Christian Grassmann's badge progress
achieved 3 records:

4m 11s of 4 ball async fountain, 104 catches of 4 ball sync fountain, 152 catches of 4 ball async fountain in outside throws
and earned 1 badge:
  - View daniel_ortunho's badge progress
Florian Lange
achieved 1 record:

16 catches of 8 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
8r Qualify
  - View Florian Lange's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

202 catches of 5 ball 5 half shower
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 3 records:

231 catches of 8 ball 978, 47 catches of 7 ball 88991, 42 catches of 7 ball 9969961
achieved 1 record:

18 catches of 9 ring cascade
achieved 3 records:

34 catches of 5 club cascade in triples, 121 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles, 10 catches of 6 club 75 in triple, double
achieved 2 records:

24 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 24 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
27th of October 2024
Activity from 6 jugglers:
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

90 catches of 5 ring cascade
Axel Petitclair
achieved 2 records:

100 catches of 4 club async fountain in doubles, 11 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles
Ben Mellinger
achieved 6 records:

137 catches of 4 ball shower, 6m 33s of 3 ball reverse mills mess, 14 catches of 6 ball sync fountain, 5m 15s of 3 ball box, 88 catches of 4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x), 15 catches of 4 ball 534
Easton Smith
achieved 1 record:

242 catches of 5 club cascade in doubles
achieved 2 records:

24 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 24 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
achieved 3 records:

13m 37s of 4 ball async fountain, 102 catches of 5 ball 6662, 10 catches of 5 ball cascade on a unicycle
26th of October 2024
Activity from 9 jugglers:
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

800 catches of 4 ring async fountain
Ben Mellinger
achieved 4 records:

15m 7s of 3 ball windmill, 7 catches of 3 ball cascade with penguin catches, 3m 39s of 3 ball box, 11m 20s of 3 ball 4413
Christian Grassmann
achieved 2 records:

50 catches of 5 ball 84445, 30 catches of 6 ball async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
Diverse 1
  - View Christian Grassmann's badge progress
John Romanchuk
achieved 1 record:

14m 40s of 3 club cascade in singles
achieved 1 record:

12m 52s of 3 ring 423 columns
achieved 2 records:

24 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 24 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
achieved 5 records:

54 catches of 1 ball 7000000, 1m 35s of 4 ball 5551, 148 catches of 6 ball async fountain, 200 catches of 4 ball 6631, 50 catches of 6 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6,6)(6x,6x)(6x,6x)(6x,6x)
25th of October 2024
Activity from 11 jugglers:
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

80 catches of 5 ring cascade
Aviv Fintsy
achieved 2 records:

30 catches of 4 club 63551, 64 catches of 3 club cascade in overheads
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 7 ball cascade
Dylan Tweed
achieved 1 record:

14 catches of 6 club async fountain in doubles
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

1m 25s of 3 club 33 in single, double
Jacek Bernatek, Pawel Chmolewski achieved 1 record:
47 passes caught of 8 ring 2 count
John Romanchuk
achieved 1 record:

10 catches of 7 ball shower
Kenny Cheung
achieved 1 record:

68 catches of 7 club cascade in triples
achieved 2 records:

53 catches of 1 ball 7000000, 25m 27s of 2 ball 2
and earned 1 badge:
Fighter 1
  - View Madsibabaj's badge progress
achieved 2 records:

19 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 19 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
achieved 5 records:

6 catches of 6 ball async fountain on a unicycle, 6 catches of 7 ball cascade on a unicycle, 11m 54s of 3 ball windmill, 52 catches of 1 ball 7000000, 25m 27s of 1 ball 1 hand 20
and added 2 patterns:
6 ball async fountain on a unicycle, 1 ball 1 hand 20
24th of October 2024
Activity from 9 jugglers:
achieved 4 records:

6 catches of 5 ball 645, 147 catches of 4 ball 66620, 8 catches of 4 ball 7531, 65 catches of 3 ball 360
Aramis Gonzalez
achieved 1 record:

72 catches of 8 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
Diverse 2
  - View Aramis Gonzalez's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

32 catches of 3 ball cascade blind behind the back
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

100 catches of 3 club 3 in inside throws
and added 1 pattern:
3 club 3 in inside throws
and earned 1 badge:
Diverse 4
  - View Jacek Bernatek's badge progress
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

39 catches of 7 ball 97991, 33 catches of 7 ball 99692, 61 catches of 7 ball reverse cascade, 23 catches of 7 ball 96a7485, 20 catches of 4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head
Milpa achieved 1 record:
52 catches of 3 ball cascade
achieved 2 records:

16 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 16 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
achieved 1 record:

120 catches of 5 ball 645
23rd of October 2024
Activity from 4 jugglers:
Axel Petitclair
achieved 1 record:

25 catches of 7 ball cascade
Christian Grassmann
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 6 ball 864
Easton Smith
achieved 1 record:

30 catches of 6 ring async fountain
achieved 1 record:

206 catches of 6 ball wimpy
22nd of October 2024
Activity from 8 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

240 catches of 3 ball 531, 64 catches of 3 ball 360
Aramis Gonzalez
achieved 2 records:

13 catches of 11 ring cascade, 12 catches of 12 ring async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
12r Flash
  - View Aramis Gonzalez's badge progress
Axel Petitclair
achieved 1 record:

10 catches of 8 ball async fountain
Ben Mellinger
achieved 2 records:

6m 33s of 5 ball cascade, 2m 37s (676 catches) of 4 ball 53 half shower
Benjamin Thompson
achieved 2 records:

150 catches of 5 club 645, 500 catches of 5 ball 81475
and earned 1 badge:
Fighter 2
  - View Benjamin Thompson's badge progress
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

14 catches of 3 ring cascade in pancakes
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 2 records:

312 catches of 4 club 552 in doubles, 312 catches of 4 club 552
achieved 1 record:

7 catches of 5 ball cascade on a unicycle
21st of October 2024
Activity from 15 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

63 catches of 3 ball 360
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

600 catches of 4 ring async fountain
Ben Mellinger
achieved 2 records:

750 catches of 3 ball box, 4m 1s of 3 ball reverse mills mess
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 4 records:

30 catches of 5 ball 77731, 115 catches of 5 ball 66661, 24 catches of 5 ball 66691444, 18 catches of 6 ball 884466
and added 4 patterns:
5 ball 66691444, 5 ball 6668144, 6 ball 884466, 6 ball aa4444
and earned 1 badge:
5b SS 2
  - View Christopher Smyrek's badge progress
Easton Smith
achieved 1 record:

14 catches of 7 ball (8x,6)*
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 3 records:

1m 26s of 3 club 33 in double, single, 1m 5s of 3 club 333355500, 28m 23s of 3 ball cascade
and added 2 patterns:
3 club 33 in double, single, 3 club 33 in single, double
and earned 1 badge:
Versatile 3
  - View Jacek Bernatek's badge progress
Jonti Ruell
achieved 1 record:

65 catches of 5 ball a1464
Kenny Cheung
achieved 2 records:

66 catches of 7 club cascade in triples, 8 catches of 8 club async fountain in quads
and earned 2 badges:
8c Flash
Records 4
  - View Kenny Cheung's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

1m 21s of 3 ball shower
and earned 1 badge:
  - View LukaszJaroszuk's badge progress
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

30 catches of 7 ball a86a861, 26 catches of 7 ball 88b9751, 94 catches of 7 ball 8686867, 250 catches of 6 ball 9555756756, 96 catches of 4 ball b01
Nix Pawlowski
achieved 2 records:

1m 6s of 3 ball 50505, 68 catches of 4 ball 552
achieved 2 records:

15 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 15 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
achieved 2 records:

2m 25s of 3 ball 441531, 2m 25s of 3 ball 531441
20th of October 2024
Activity from 14 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

62 catches of 3 ball 360, 8 catches of 8 ball sync fountain
achieved 2 records:

108 catches of 5 ball [54][22]2, 1m (240 catches) of 4 ball [54]21
Axel Petitclair
achieved 1 record:

10 catches of 4 ball 1 hand async fountain
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 1 record:

58 catches of 5 ball 73 half shower
achieved 1 record:

1m 29s of 3 ball shower
and earned 1 badge:
  - View Dmitry's badge progress
Dylan Tweed
achieved 2 records:

9 catches of 9 ring cascade, 12 catches of 6 club async fountain in doubles
Easton Smith
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 5 ring 744
Karl Lehner
achieved 1 record:

14m 43s of 4 club async fountain in singles
achieved 2 records:

40 catches of 8 ball async fountain, 29 catches of 9 ball cascade
and earned 1 badge:
  - View Komiken's badge progress
Piet, Simonacampo achieved 1 record:
25 passes caught of 11 club 2 count doubles
achieved 2 records:

11 catches of 4 ball async fountain, 11 catches of 4 ball async fountain isolated
19th of October 2024
Activity from 12 jugglers:
achieved 3 records:

411 catches of 3 club 55500 in doubles, 411 catches of 3 club 55500, 61 catches of 3 ball 360
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 1 record:

6 catches of 6 ball b55555
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 1 record:

29 catches of 3 club cascade in triples
and added 2 patterns:
3 club 0444, 3 club 44403 in doubles
James Hennigan
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 8 ring sync fountain
James Hennigan, Mark Pender-Bare achieved 3 records:
50 passes caught of 10 ring 2 count, 12 passes caught of 12 ring 2 count, 22 passes caught of 11 ring 2 count
Karl Lehner
achieved 1 record:

52m 33s of 4 ball async fountain
and earned 1 badge:
4b End.
  - View Karl Lehner's badge progress
achieved 1 record:

12 catches of 10 ball sync fountain
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 3 records:

5 catches of 5 club backcrosses in triples, 98 catches of 7 ball 888888188888880, 100 catches of 7 ball 979791
Tom Whitfield
achieved 1 record:

11 catches of 5 ball cascade in overheads
achieved 2 records:

1m 3s of 4 ball 5551, 235 catches of 4 ball 61616
18th of October 2024
Activity from 35 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

119 catches of 3 ball 531, 60 catches of 3 ball 360
achieved 2 records:

4 catches of 4 ball 7070707, 57 catches of 4 ball [54]21
Anežka Houhová
achieved 1 record:

160 catches of 7 ball cascade
and earned 1 badge:
Improver 1
  - View Anežka Houhová's badge progress
Christian Grassmann
achieved 2 records:

160 catches of 5 ball (6x,4x)(6,4x)*, 140 catches of 5 ball 8448641
and earned 2 badges:
Prized 2
Records 2
  - View Christian Grassmann's badge progress
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 3 records:

12 catches of 5 ball sprung fountain, 42 catches of 5 ball 861, 45 catches of 5 ball 75661
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 4 records:

3m 46s of 3 ring 333355500, 1m 23s of 3 ring 4440, 1m 40s of 3 ring 0444, 124 catches of 5 bounce ball lift cascade
and added 5 patterns:
3 ball 333355500, 3 ring 333355500, 3 club 333355500, 3 ring 4440, 3 ring 0444
and earned 1 badge:
3r star
  - View Jacek Bernatek's badge progress
Jonny Moore
achieved 2 records:

34 catches of 7 ball cascade in overheads, 36 catches of 7 ball reverse cascade
Julian Kloos
achieved 1 record:

59 catches of 6 ball async fountain in overheads
Karel Schuller
achieved 1 record:

30 catches of 9 ball cascade
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 2 records:

4 catches of 5 club backcrosses in triples, 77 catches of 7 ball 978972975
achieved 1 record:

30 catches of 8 ring async fountain
Michael Hendriksen
earned 2 badges:

Prized 4
Fighter 4
  - View Michael Hendriksen's badge progress
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 1
  - View NikMeier's badge progress
ezria earned 1 badge:
Prized 2
  - View ezria's badge progress
Mutton earned 1 badge:
Champ 1
  - View Mutton's badge progress
Akshay A
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 3
  - View Akshay A's badge progress
Sean Tupps
earned 1 badge:

Champ 2
  - View Sean Tupps's badge progress
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 3
  - View Bjorge's badge progress
Paco Jover
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 2
  - View Paco Jover's badge progress
earned 1 badge:

Champ 1
  - View Gnampfissimo's badge progress
Brendan99 earned 2 badges:
Fighter 2
Fighter 3
  - View Brendan99's badge progress
Kaito Tanioka
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 4
  - View Kaito Tanioka's badge progress
Ben Macy earned 1 badge:
Fighter 1
  - View Ben Macy's badge progress
jozey orcutt
earned 2 badges:

Champ 1
Prized 2
  - View jozey orcutt's badge progress
Leisure hoyt
earned 1 badge:

Fighter 1
  - View Leisure hoyt's badge progress
Of_thehead earned 4 badges:
Champ 1
Fighter 1
Fighter 2
Fighter 3
  - View Of_thehead's badge progress
earned 1 badge:

Champ 1
  - View Yako's badge progress
Pablo earned 2 badges:
Champ 1
Prized 1
  - View Pablo's badge progress
17th of October 2024
Activity from 9 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

59 catches of 3 ball 360
achieved 1 record:

38 catches of 4 ball [54]21
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 2 records:

35 catches of 4 ball 9333334, 49 catches of 4 ball 7461514
and added 1 pattern:
4 ball 9333334
ilia poliakov
achieved 5 records:

39 catches of 4 club (6x,4)(2,4x)*, 1m 38s (210 catches) of 3 club cascade in overheads, 8 catches of 4 club mills mess in doubles, 20 catches of 4 club 5551 in flats, 63 catches of 3 club cascade in half contortionist
Jonti Ruell
achieved 1 record:

112 catches of 5 ball (8,6)(4,2x)*
achieved 1 record:

46 catches of 6 ball async fountain
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 3 records:

3 catches of 5 club backcrosses in triples, 108 catches of 7 ball 966966975, 98 catches of 7 ball 979791
Pawel Chmolewski
achieved 2 records:

4m 25s of 2 ring 1 hand 40, 3m of 2 ring 330 isolated
16th of October 2024
Activity from 12 jugglers:
achieved 1 record:

58 catches of 3 ball 360
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

500 catches of 4 ring async fountain
Ben Mellinger
achieved 1 record:

3m 49s of 3 ball reverse mills mess
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 2 records:

42 catches of 5 ball 757515, 72 catches of 5 ball 663
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 2 records:

66 catches of 3 bounce ball force cascade, 1m 56s of 3 ring 51
James Hennigan
achieved 1 record:

239 catches of 5 ring 645
achieved 1 record:

41 catches of 6 ball async fountain
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 5 records:

1040 catches of 4 ball 66314, 2 catches of 5 club backcrosses in triples, 33 catches of 6 ball b61, 82 catches of 7 ball 88892, 98 catches of 7 ball 966966975
achieved 2 records:

53 catches of 4 ball sync fountain, 53 catches of 4 ball sync fountain isolated
Danil Lysenko
earned 1 badge:

Joined JR
  - View Danil Lysenko's badge progress
Kanoa Lindiwe earned 1 badge:
Joined JR
  - View Kanoa Lindiwe's badge progress
15th of October 2024
Activity from 11 jugglers:
achieved 2 records:

57 catches of 3 ball 360, 8 catches of 8 ball sync fountain
Andrey Ryshkov
achieved 1 record:

400 catches of 4 ring async fountain
Ben Mellinger
achieved 1 record:

2m 9s of 3 ball 4413
Christopher Smyrek
achieved 5 records:

220 catches of 4 ball (6,4)(4x,2x)*, 3m 38s of 4 ball 66314, 105 catches of 4 ball 75314, 63 catches of 5 ball 7445753, 36 catches of 4 ball 53 half shower with the 3s as overheads
and earned 1 badge:
4b SS 3
  - View Christopher Smyrek's badge progress
Easton Smith
achieved 1 record:

5 catches of 5 ball backcrosses
Jacek Bernatek
achieved 6 records:

13m 34s of 3 bounce ball lift cascade, 1m 8s of 3 bounce ball force shower, 2m 17s of 3 ring 423, 1m 56s of 3 ring shower, 3m 27s of 3 ring (4,4)(4x,0)*, 1m 55s of 2 bounce ball 1 hand lift fountain
and earned 1 badge:
Fighter 1
  - View Jacek Bernatek's badge progress
James Hennigan
achieved 5 records:

149 catches of 5 ring 744, 8 catches of 6 ring (8,8)(4,4), 56 catches of 6 ring 75, 18 catches of 6 ring 756, 75 catches of 7 ball 867
Jonny Moore
achieved 1 record:

80 catches of 5 club 645
Maximilian Kuschmierz
achieved 9 records:

63 catches of 6 ball b975316, 3 catches of 5 club 753, 1 catches of 5 club backcrosses in triples, 30 catches of 7 ball 97a7961, 27 catches of 7 ball a86a861, 40 catches of 7 ball a6685, 9 catches of 9 ring cascade, 112 catches of 5 ball backcrosses, 120 catches of 4 ring 7070707
and earned 1 badge:
9r Flash
  - View Maximilian Kuschmierz's badge progress
Tom Whitfield
achieved 1 record:

198 catches of 8 ball async fountain
achieved 2 records:

5 catches of 5 ball cascade on a unicycle, 29 catches of 3 ball 3 half shower on a unicycle
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