

I am a juggler based in Germany. I love juggling any three objects (up to five or more balls) and enjoy exploring siteswaps and passing (especially with Alex :-D). I am very fascinated by the mathematics underlying siteswaps and juggling. I also love performing magic and occasionally incorporate juggling into my magic performances. Additionally, I am passionate about Acro-Yoga, Acrobatics, and all Circus Arts. I enjoy Jonglobatics, Acro-Juggling, and all other combinations of these activities. I hope to see you all at the EJC. :-)

Combined flashed: 17
Combined qualified: 14

Reputation: 98%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2024-05-22

AndyAndieFreude is participating in the following leagues:
The Numbers League

AndyAndieFreude's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 7
 - 5
 - 2
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 630

AndyAndieFreude's solo records stats

AndyAndieFreude's Badges (71)

View AndyAndieFreude's badge progress

AndyAndieFreude's Videos

AndyAndieFreude's Groups

AndyAndieFreude's is a member of the public groups: 5 ball juggling, 6 ball training, 7 ball training ......., Patterns of Juggling, Period 3.

AndyAndieFreude's Passing Teams

AndyAndieFreude is a member of the passing teams: AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude, AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude, Daniel Georgiev.
AndyAndieFreude's Solo Patterns
1 ball 111/1330c2024-06-101
1 ball 300 with a ring balanced on the head1/110c2024-08-081
1 ball 500006/768c2024-06-112
1 ball 50000 isolated4/568c2024-06-111
1 ball 70000003/310c2024-06-121
1 ball 7000000 isolated1/110c2024-06-121
1 club 16/620c2024-06-101
1 club 300 in singles with a club balanced on the head1/13c2024-07-021
1 ring 300 with a ring balanced on the head1/110c2024-08-081
2 ball 1 hand async fountain69/1051m (128c)2024-06-032
2 ball 311/110c2024-08-261
2 ball 3121/16c2024-06-301
2 ball 50116/221m 2s2024-06-031
2 ball 51111/140c2024-06-101
2 ball 611111/15c2024-06-121
2 ball 7111112/212c2024-06-122
2 ball 77000001/14c2024-06-121
2 club 1 hand async fountain3/34c2024-07-011
2 club 1 hand async fountain11/1664c2024-07-011
2 club 31 in singles1/116c2024-07-021
2 club 31 in singles with a club balanced on the head1/116c2024-07-021
2 club 312 in singles with a club balanced on the head1/16c2024-07-011
2 club 411 in doubles 2/5168c2024-05-302
2 club 411 in singles1/11m (171c)2024-05-301
2 ring 1 hand 401/150c2024-08-092
2 ring 31 with a ring balanced on the head1/12c2024-08-081
2 ring 330 in pancakes 1/230c2024-08-081
2 ring 330 in pancakes isolated 1/230c2024-08-081
3 ball (4x,2t)* 1/28c2024-06-031
3 ball (4x,4x)(4x,0)*6/13192c2024-08-101
3 ball (6x,2x)(2x,2x)5/58c2024-09-111
3 ball 1 hand async fountain51/7616c2024-06-021
3 ball 1 hand [44]0402/212c2024-06-031
3 ball 3 half shower60/1171m (195c)2024-06-031
3 ball 333 in outside throws inline1/1333c2024-07-051
3 ball 5047/131m (12c)2024-06-031
3 ball 52210/231m (102c)2024-06-051
3 ball 522 isolated 2/3102c2024-06-051
3 ball 53149/6742c2024-08-193
3 ball 7117/87c2024-08-151
3 ball 9001/110c2024-07-011
3 ball 71314/512c2024-09-111
3 ball 1234525/278c2024-06-051
3 ball 5050524/2872c2024-06-011
3 ball 522421/11m (98c)2024-06-031
3 ball 5251224/271m (111c)2024-06-051
3 ball 534031/16c2024-06-171
3 ball 661113/35c2024-06-121
3 ball 4415311/16c2024-06-021
3 ball 7711113/36c2024-06-121
3 ball 4414413 1/2112c2024-06-051
3 ball 44153131/17c2024-06-021
3 ball 70707001/19c2024-06-121
3 ball 77700001/112c2024-06-121
3 ball 4414415311/118c2024-06-021
3 ball 3333342424242422/220c2024-07-021
3 ball 3335550077700001/112c2024-06-121
3 ball 33342424242333424242421/116c2024-07-021
3 ball cascade136/1771m (234c)2024-06-031
3 ball cascade blind behind the back28/3212c2024-08-181
3 ball cascade on a slackline5/59c2024-06-031
3 ball cascade on a slackline1/19c2024-06-011
3 ball cascade with a ball balanced on the head1/13c2024-06-031
3 ball mills mess47/1212m (312c)2024-06-031
3 ball reverse cascade62/1181m (180c)2024-06-031
3 ball shower67/114200c2024-06-031
3 ball [23]221/120c2024-07-081
3 ball [33]121/110c2024-08-261
3 bounce ball force cascade11/1120c2024-07-231
3 bounce ball lift cascade10/1130c2024-09-101
3 club (4,4)(4x,0)(4,4)(0,4x) in doubles2/239c2024-07-181
3 club 3 half shower6/17180c2024-07-102
3 club 3[11][22] in backcrosses in singles1/1105c2024-07-091
3 club 333 in doubles isolated1/11m 25s (113c)2024-07-011
3 club 333 in outside throws in singles2/23c2024-07-051
3 club 333 in single, flat, flat2/27c2024-07-091
3 club 333 in single, single, flat2/2117c2024-07-091
3 club 333 in single, single, half1/1108c2024-07-112
3 club 333 in single, single, single backcross3/39c2024-07-111
3 club 333 in single, single, single trebla1/13c2024-07-091
3 club 522 in doubles1/11m 26s2024-07-011
3 club 522 in singles1/120c2024-07-011
3 club 33522 in single, single, double1/1101c2024-07-111
3 club 50505 in doubles8/96c2024-07-212
3 club 3372222 in single, single, triple1/13c2024-07-111
3 club 333334242424242 in doubles1/160c2024-07-021
3 club 333334242424242 in singles1/11m 5s2024-07-021
3 club alberts in singles11/191c2024-07-101
3 club backcrosses in doubles32/382c2024-07-211
3 club backcrosses in singles31/372c2024-07-211
3 club box17/186c2024-06-301
3 club box in flats5/66c2024-06-301
3 club cascade in doubles38/71113c2024-07-012
3 club cascade in doubles isolated7/851c2024-06-301
3 club cascade in flats40/6132c2024-07-182
3 club cascade in halfs19/209c2024-07-091
3 club cascade in reverse singles18/183c2024-06-301
3 club cascade in singles72/1293m 47s2024-06-291
3 club cascade in singles isolated9/174m 49s2024-07-101
3 club cascade in triples28/4127c2024-07-072
3 club cascade on a slackline 3/417c2024-07-101
3 club chops in singles20/2420c2024-08-232
3 club reverse cascade in singles20/2310c2024-06-301
3 ring (4x,2)* in flat fronts3/33c2024-08-101
3 ring 3 half shower24/43117c2024-07-101
3 ring 422/250c2024-08-092
3 ring 511/140c2024-07-211
3 ring 333 in normal, normal, pancake1/110c2024-08-091
3 ring 333 in pancakes isolated 1/218c2024-07-281
3 ring 42319/2520c2024-07-211
3 ring 522 2/3150c2024-08-122
3 ring 505056/79c2024-07-211
3 ring 555009/1239c2024-08-081
3 ring 333333 in normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, pancake1/154c2024-07-281
3 ring 33355500 1/2126c2024-09-162
3 ring cascade64/89103c2024-07-283
3 ring cascade in pancakes24/3760c2024-08-092
3 ring chops 1/51m 26s (144c)2024-09-162
3 ring reverse cascade27/45120c2024-08-081
3 ring shower15/2162c2024-08-082
3 ring [33]121/110c2024-08-261
4 ball (4,4)(4,4)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4,4)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4x,4x)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4x,4x)(4x,4x)6/612c2024-07-011
4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x)9/19196c2024-08-122
4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x) isolated1/1215c2024-08-101
4 ball (6,4x)(2x,4)7/74c2024-07-011
4 ball (6,4x)(2x,4)(4,4)1/16c2024-07-011
4 ball (6x,4)(2,4x)13/143c2024-08-101
4 ball (6x,4x)(2x,4x)*7/74c2024-07-011
4 ball 33[33]16/1612c2024-08-201
4 ball 5321/2420c2024-07-031
4 ball 55236/54108c2024-08-122
4 ball 72319/204c2024-06-121
4 ball 64249/98c2024-06-021
4 ball 744122/296c2024-06-022
4 ball 75226/64c2024-08-251
4 ball 753138/544c2024-08-231
4 ball 82332/24c2024-07-011
4 ball 5551426/336c2024-06-301
4 ball 642446/64c2024-06-021
4 ball 66611 3/45c2024-06-121
4 ball 707070714/154c2024-06-121
4 ball 72727128/84c2024-06-121
4 ball 77770008/94c2024-06-121
4 ball 444475311/18c2024-08-231
4 ball 44445525521/18c2024-07-011
4 ball 444444445525522/212c2024-07-011
4 ball async fountain119/1681m2024-06-061
4 ball async fountain on a slackline4/512c2024-07-072
4 ball high low shower2/24c2024-07-011
4 ball sprung cascade26/294c2024-07-011
4 ball sync fountain71/126109c2024-06-091
4 ball [32t]31/122c2024-08-202
4 ball [33]337/710c2024-08-261
4 ball [54]214/49c2024-09-141
4 ball [54]225[22]21/112c2024-08-202
4 club 4[22] in doubles1/110c2024-06-101
4 club 55217/204c2024-07-212
4 club 552 in doubles12/124c2024-07-211
4 club 555508/96c2024-07-221
4 club async fountain1/144c2024-09-152
4 club async fountain in doubles82/948c2024-05-291
4 club async fountain in singles50/7044c2024-09-164
4 ring async fountain55/8459c2024-08-223
4 ring sync fountain38/5116c2024-08-222
5 ball (0,4)([44],[44])11/1210c2024-06-291
5 ball (4,0)([44],[44]) 2/310c2024-06-291
5 ball (4x,0)([44],[44])*8/810c2024-06-291
5 ball (6,6)(6,2)5/511c2024-06-021
5 ball (6,6)(6,2)(6,6)(6x,2)*1/112c2024-06-301
5 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6,0)9/97c2024-06-031
5 ball (6,6)(6x,2)*10/109c2024-06-021
5 ball (6x,4)*65/746c2024-06-042
5 ball (6x,4x)6/68c2024-06-031
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,2)*4/49c2024-06-021
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,6x)(6x,0)*4/47c2024-05-281
5 ball 5 half shower36/386c2024-06-031
5 ball 736/65c2024-06-031
5 ball 73 half shower9/105c2024-06-031
5 ball 74466/874c2024-06-101
5 ball 6666139/525c2024-06-121
5 ball 777228/96c2024-08-182
5 ball 66666011/1311c2024-06-032
5 ball 7777117/76c2024-08-171
5 ball 777770012/1510c2024-06-101
5 ball 5555555555 variation: 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal and 5 as an outside throw1/114c2024-09-161
5 ball 55555777221/18c2024-06-111
5 ball 77731777222/25c2024-06-111
5 ball 5555577777001/110c2024-06-121
5 ball 5555555555722[52][52]4/411c2024-06-031
5 ball 55555555557722[52]4/415c2024-06-101
5 ball 5555555555777221/113c2024-06-121
5 ball 55555555557777201/114c2024-06-121
5 ball 555555555577777001/115c2024-06-101
5 ball cascade157/237159c2024-09-0927
5 ball cascade1/115c2024-06-101
5 ball cascade isolated24/28135c2024-09-156
5 ball [44]4446/78c2024-06-031
5 ball [54]2412/128c2024-06-031
5 ball [54][22]28/948c2024-06-031
5 club cascade in doubles93/1216c2024-07-194
5 club cascade in doubles isolated11/115c2024-07-221
5 ring cascade75/928c2024-09-154
6 ball 77777120/346c2024-06-111
6 ball 777777014/236c2024-06-031
6 ball async fountain116/1647c2024-06-112
6 ball sync fountain56/908c2024-06-021
6 ball wimpy45/5812c2024-06-033
7 ball cascade127/1847c2024-06-213
Longest time with 2 balls in head bounce4/42b2024-08-101
Longest time with a club balanced on the head13/315m 1s2024-08-083
Longest time with a club balanced on the head isolated4/85m 1s2024-08-081
Longest time with a head bounce14/1510b2024-08-211
Longest time with a ring balanced on the head4/61m 32s2024-08-082
Most catches in 1 minute of 2 ball 1 hand 403/3124c2024-06-031
Most catches in 1 minute of 2 club 1 hand async fountain1/164c2024-07-011
Most catches in 1 minute of 2 club 411 in singles1/1171c2024-05-301
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball 32/2234c2024-05-301
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball 333 in outside throws1/1180c2024-06-031
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball 5041/112c2024-06-031
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball 522421/198c2024-06-031
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball 525121/1111c2024-06-051
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball cascade8/12234c2024-05-302
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball mills mess4/4150c2024-05-301
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 ball reverse cascade1/1180c2024-06-031
Most catches in 1 minute of 3 club 333 in doubles isolated1/180c2024-07-011
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x)1/1192c2024-08-101
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 ball async fountain3/3198c2024-08-102
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 ball async fountain isolated1/1196c2024-08-101
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 ball sync fountain1/1109c2024-06-091
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 club async fountain in doubles4/48c2024-05-291
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 club async fountain in singles4/412c2024-05-291
Most catches in 1 minute of 4 ring async fountain3/310c2024-05-291
Most catches in 1 minute of 5 ball cascade15/16120c2024-06-126
Most catches in 10 seconds of 4 ball async fountain5/640c2024-06-091
Most connected 2 ball in one hand 2 up 360s7/1522024-06-291
Most connected 3 ring 1 up 360s1/112024-08-081
Most consecutive 3 ring flashes1/1132024-08-081
Most consecutive 5 ball flashes8/822024-06-101
Shortest time to achieve 10 catches of 1 ball 1 2/82s2024-05-271
AndyAndieFreude's Recent Solo Records
4 club async fountain in singles44c2024-09-162024-09-16
5 ball 5555555555 variation: 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal, 5 as a normal and 5 as an outside throw14c2024-09-162024-09-16-
3 ring 33355500126c2024-09-162024-09-16
@Alex, it was way more but I was to lazy to count.

3 club cascade in triples25c2024-09-162024-09-16-
3 ring chops1m 26s (144c)2024-09-162024-09-16
In the dark with lights.

5 ball cascade isolated135c2024-09-152024-09-15
Isolated standing on a balance half ball in McFit
5 ring cascade8c2024-09-152024-09-15
5 ball cascade135c2024-09-152024-09-15
Isolated standing on a balance half ball in McFit
3 ring chops31c2024-09-152024-09-15-
4 club async fountain44c2024-09-152024-09-15
+ View all of AndyAndieFreude's records
AndyAndieFreude's Team Patterns
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude6 ball 1 count6/731pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude7 club 2 count doubles10/1043pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude7 ring 2 count5/528pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude8 ball 2 count6/619pc2024-05-302
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 6 club 1 count1/131pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 7 club 2 count1/143pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 7 ring 2 count1/128pc2024-05-232
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