

DanielEdwards has been juggling for 10 years and 2 months.

Combined flashed: 18
Combined qualified: 17

Reputation: 100%
Country: United States of America
Joined: 2021-03-30

DanielEdwards's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 0
 - 0
 - 0

DanielEdwards's solo records stats

DanielEdwards's Badges (38)

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DanielEdwards's Solo Patterns
2 club 1 hand async fountain in singles8/23109c2020-07-251
3 club cascade in singles32/13122m2018-06-261
3 ring cascade43/943m 48s2020-03-301
4 ball async fountain62/1786m 37s2019-11-221
4 ball async fountain blind4/2837c2019-10-281
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head12/31119c2021-03-271
4 ball async fountain with clawed catches7/1258c2020-04-201
4 ball async fountain with penguin catches10/1311c2020-03-181
4 ball box10/1666c2020-12-111
4 ball mills mess36/65122c2020-11-141
4 ball shower21/871m 9s2020-06-301
4 ball windmill12/1645c2020-12-121
4 club async fountain in doubles52/97150c2020-08-231
4 club async fountain in singles40/71109c2020-07-251
4 ring async fountain60/8575c2021-01-301
5 ball (6,4x)*36/3710c2020-03-141
5 ball (6x,4)*51/75118c2020-10-141
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower14/35184c2019-11-261
5 ball 64564/7570c2020-07-171
5 ball 74475/8933c2020-05-141
5 ball 6666138/5448c2020-05-131
5 ball 7771718/1124c2020-06-121
5 ball cascade135/247426c2020-04-301
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head22/4126c2021-03-302
5 ball mills mess41/4410c2017-07-281
5 ball reverse cascade38/5747c2019-10-301
5 ball shower34/7492c2020-09-301
5 club cascade in doubles104/12816c2020-08-211
5 ring cascade64/9646c2019-02-161
6 ball 75 half shower32/6196c2020-06-231
6 ball async fountain75/170119c2021-02-091
6 ball async fountain on a rola bola4/554c2021-01-151
6 ball shower22/4629c2019-02-141
6 ball sync fountain43/9342c2020-05-281
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower24/3519c2019-06-121
7 ball cascade131/18636c2020-12-181
7 ball cascade on a rola bola5/616c2020-11-281
8 ball sync fountain60/769c2020-10-201
DanielEdwards's Recent Solo Records
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head26c2021-03-302021-03-30-
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head21c2021-03-292021-03-30-
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head119c2021-03-272021-03-30-
6 ball async fountain119c2021-02-092021-03-30-
4 ring async fountain75c2021-01-302021-03-30-
6 ball async fountain on a rola bola54c2021-01-152021-03-30-
7 ball cascade36c2020-12-182021-03-30-
4 ball windmill45c2020-12-122021-03-30-
4 ball box66c2020-12-112021-03-30-
7 ball cascade on a rola bola16c2020-11-282021-03-30-
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