

Hi i am Julius and I am a Norwik-Juggler. My clubs are Pirouettes and i am juggling since september 2013 :) Hope to see you soon on cons ;)

Combined flashed: 23
Combined qualified: 21

Reputation: 100%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2014-08-31

julip's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 2
 - 2
 - 4

julip's solo records stats

julip's Badges (67)

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julip's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand async fountain27/1075m 41s (653c)2014-09-032
2 ball 1 hand in shoulder throws5/1019c2014-09-233
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles9/37195c2014-09-253
2 club 1 hand in doubles6/65c2014-09-161
3 ball 1 hand async fountain47/7742c2014-09-182
3 ball 1 hand in shoulder throws1/13c2014-09-161
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade10/1111c2014-09-161
3 ball 53125/691m 10s (197c)2014-09-032
3 ball alberts 1/737c2014-10-241
3 ball backcrosses23/64117c2015-01-166
3 ball box31/72346c2014-12-123
3 ball cascade76/18315m 18s (2821c)2013-11-161
3 ball cascade blind41/5760c2015-04-233
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head33/343c2014-09-091
3 ball cascade with penguin catches16/3064c2014-09-243
3 ball high low shower9/281m 28s2014-09-092
3 ball mills mess18/1245m 57s (919c)2014-09-021
3 ball reverse cascade49/1212m 5s (300c)2014-09-031
3 ball shower60/1171m 12s2014-09-161
3 ball slams10/1150c2014-12-121
3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples14/239c2014-09-111
3 club backcrosses in doubles8/38150c2015-11-078
3 club backcrosses in singles12/37150c2015-11-073
3 club cascade in doubles21/72222c2014-10-241
3 club cascade in flats46/6338c2014-09-241
3 club cascade in singles45/13110m 2s2014-10-231
3 club cascade in singles isolated8/178m 46s2014-10-241
4 ball 1 hand async fountain38/6612c2014-09-162
4 ball 1 hand [44]05/970c2014-10-054
4 ball 53 half shower25/431m 4s (231c)2014-09-022
4 ball 63319/591m2014-09-093
4 ball 753134/5556c2014-10-053
4 ball 833339/1540c2015-04-081
4 ball async fountain75/1744m 3s (987c)2014-09-031
4 ball async fountain blind25/285c2014-10-242
4 ball box12/1640c2015-02-204
4 ball high low shower26/3766c2014-09-242
4 ball mills mess47/6473c2014-10-166
4 ball shoulder throws10/1342c2015-11-077
4 ball shower54/82100c2014-10-021
4 ball sync fountain34/1312m (452c)2014-09-251
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws14/1758c2014-10-241
4 ball wimpy15/291m 7s2014-09-111
4 club 5311/231m2015-11-071
4 club 53 half shower8/1035c2015-11-072
4 club 6336/2177c2015-11-075
4 club 75314/1220c2015-11-074
4 club 55550 backcrosses in triples5/810c2015-11-072
4 club async fountain in doubles47/96197c2015-02-135
4 club async fountain in flats10/2039c2015-11-071
4 club async fountain in singles31/71200c2015-11-073
4 club shower in triples9/1717c2014-09-302
4 ring 75318/1324c2014-10-141
4 ring async fountain43/85133c2014-09-111
5 ball (6x,4)(6x,4x)*9/1040c2015-04-082
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower16/35150c2015-11-071
5 ball ([44],[44])(4,0) columns4/7132c2014-10-162
5 ball 1 hand async fountain47/474c2014-09-161
5 ball 5 half shower17/38160c2015-03-125
5 ball 74428/881m (90c)2015-04-085
5 ball 9444424/3938c2015-04-081
5 ball 9753133/7480c2015-11-077
5 ball 844864115/1728c2015-11-071
5 ball backcrosses16/3818c2015-11-076
5 ball cascade32/24315m 8s2015-11-078
5 ball high low shower17/2866c2015-11-071
5 ball high middle low shower10/1110c2015-11-071
5 ball mills mess31/4426c2014-10-043
5 ball reverse cascade18/58150c2015-11-078
5 ball shower24/74120c2015-11-076
5 club (6x,4)*12/2224c2015-11-071
5 club (6x,4x) half shower5/610c2015-11-071
5 club 74412/2417c2015-11-072
5 club backcrosses in triples16/1810c2015-11-071
5 club cascade in doubles36/1261m 7s (239c)2015-11-075
5 club cascade in doubles isolated10/1230c2015-02-201
5 club cascade in flats9/1212c2015-11-071
5 club cascade in singles23/3625c2015-11-071
5 club cascade in triples20/3030c2015-11-071
5 club shower6/69c2015-11-071
5 ring (6x,4)*13/1445c2015-11-071
5 ring 5 half shower5/620c2015-11-071
5 ring 7447/1883c2015-11-073
5 ring 975315/1120c2015-11-071
5 ring cascade27/94250c2015-11-072
6 ball 75 half shower35/6284c2015-04-086
6 ball 85520/3516c2015-03-123
6 ball async fountain80/168105c2015-03-258
6 ball async fountain in outside throws 3/936c2015-11-072
6 ball b9753121/4618c2015-11-072
6 ball shower29/4520c2015-11-073
6 ball sync fountain40/9248c2014-11-134
6 ball wimpy41/5946c2015-03-252
6 ball [33]11/341m 45s (450c)2015-02-204
6 club 75 in triple, double27/348c2015-11-071
6 club async fountain in triples41/6212c2015-11-074
6 club sync fountain in doubles9/94c2014-09-301
6 club sync fountain in triples9/1810c2015-11-071
6 ring async fountain26/7398c2015-11-072
6 ring sync fountain19/4647c2015-11-071
7 ball (8,6x)*6/1124c2015-11-073
7 ball 95 half shower 2/834c2015-11-073
7 ball 555[55][55]8/87c2014-10-161
7 ball 96617/3330c2015-11-071
7 ball cascade58/186189c2015-11-0710
7 ball db975318/157c2015-11-071
7 ball reverse cascade8/1623c2015-11-076
7 ball shower15/157c2015-03-202
7 ball [654][22]24/559c2014-10-093
7 club cascade in triples43/537c2015-11-071
7 ring cascade30/5728c2015-11-072
8 ball 97 half shower13/3328c2015-11-072
8 ball 9999999908/168c2015-11-072
8 ball async fountain43/12931c2015-11-079
8 ball sync fountain9/7632c2015-11-072
8 ball sync fountain in outside throws1/114c2015-11-071
9 ball cascade60/12015c2015-11-074
Most connected 3 ball 3 up 360s8/2092015-03-254
Most connected 4 ball 2 up 360s 2/892014-10-241
Most connected 4 ball 4 up 360s7/1242014-nu-ll1
Most connected 4 ring 2 up 360s2/242014-10-141
Most connected 5 ball 3 up 360s 3/1752015-11-071
Most connected 5 ball 5 up 360s 3/2042015-11-071
Most connected 6 ball 4 up 360s6/1022015-11-071
Most connected 6 ball 6 up 360s 3/622015-11-071
Most connected 6 ring 4 up 360s 1/212015-11-071
julip's Recent Solo Records
9 ball cascade15c2015-11-072015-11-07-
8 ball sync fountain32c2015-11-072015-11-07-
8 ball 9999999908c2015-11-072015-11-07-
8 ball 97 half shower28c2015-11-072015-11-07-
8 ball async fountain31c2015-11-072015-11-07-
8 ball sync fountain in outside throws14c2015-11-072015-11-07-
7 ring cascade28c2015-11-072015-11-07-
7 club cascade in triples7c2015-11-072015-11-07-
6 club sync fountain in triples10c2015-11-072015-11-07-
6 club async fountain in triples12c2015-11-072015-11-07-
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