
Park Schaden

Based in Biel, hit me up

Combined flashed: 12
Combined qualified: 11

Reputation: 100%
Country: Switzerland
Joined: 2021-05-15

Park Schaden's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 0
 - 1
 - 2

Park Schaden's solo records stats

Park Schaden's Badges (41)

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Park Schaden's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand 40 with penguin catches3/319c2023-08-072
2 ball 1 hand async fountain33/1094m 22s2021-05-151
2 ball 1 hand async fountain inline3/364c2023-02-201
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads11/1124c2021-05-151
2 ball 1 hand columns9/243m 30s2021-05-151
2 ball 1 hand columns with clawed catches9/1041c2023-02-202
2 club 1 hand async fountain in singles15/2361c2023-10-081
2 club 1 hand columns in singles8/948c2021-05-162
2 ring 1 hand columns9/1476c2021-05-201
3 ball (4,4)(4,0)14/20150c2023-10-141
3 ball 3 half shower14/1229m 3s2021-05-162
3 ball 3 in outside throws with clawed catches7/859c2023-10-082
3 ball 42326/813m 40s2021-05-222
3 ball 423 in outside throws 3/117m 48s2023-08-072
3 ball 423 with clawed catches10/1357c2023-10-081
3 ball 44119/923m 40s2021-05-152
3 ball backcrosses38/6455c2023-10-073
3 ball box28/731m 41s2021-05-152
3 ball cascade110/1857m 37s2023-10-082
3 ball cascade blind50/5821c2021-05-201
3 ball cascade blind behind the back13/331m 22s2021-05-244
3 ball cascade in overheads42/4436c2023-10-072
3 ball cascade pinball 2/108m 1s2023-10-144
3 ball cascade with arms crossed8/162m 8s2023-08-071
3 ball cascade with clawed catches11/30333c2023-02-211
3 ball cascade with forked catches5/815c2023-10-081
3 ball cascade with penguin catches19/3046c2021-05-202
3 ball columns13/41360c2023-08-072
3 ball high low shower28/2930c2021-05-161
3 ball mills mess55/1261m 42s2021-05-161
3 ball reverse cascade21/1235m 39s2021-05-222
3 ball reverse cascade with arms crossed17/1979c2021-05-172
3 ball shower44/1191m 58s2023-10-083
3 ball slams8/11111c2023-10-081
3 ball tennis12/415m 58s2023-02-213
3 club cascade in flats55/6315c2021-06-012
3 club cascade in singles75/1314m 42s2021-05-302
3 club cascade on a unicycle5/11238c2021-05-201
3 ring cascade57/94176c2021-05-201
4 ball 53 half shower30/43148c2024-04-264
4 ball 5555033/43104c2023-02-201
4 ball async fountain108/1781m 54s2021-05-151
4 ball shower61/8781c2023-10-073
4 ball sync fountain97/13298c2022-02-191
4 ball sync fountain pinball2/26c2021-05-151
4 ball [33]33 3/72m 20s2023-10-083
5 ball 66666013/137c2021-05-201
5 ball cascade163/2471m2021-05-172
5 ball cascade pinball5/55c2021-05-151
6 ball sync fountain87/936c2023-10-071
Park Schaden's Recent Solo Records
4 ball 53 half shower148c2024-04-262024-04-26-
3 ball cascade pinball8m 1s2023-10-142023-10-14-
3 ball (4,4)(4,0)150c2023-10-142023-10-14-
3 ball cascade7m 37s2023-10-082023-10-08-
3 ball shower1m 58s2023-10-082023-10-08-
4 ball [33]332m 20s2023-10-082023-10-08-
3 ball 3 in outside throws with clawed catches59c2023-10-082023-10-08-
4 ball 53 half shower110c2023-10-082023-10-08-
2 club 1 hand async fountain in singles61c2023-10-082023-10-08-
3 ball slams111c2023-10-082023-10-08-
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