
Michael Hendriksen

Combined flashed: 22
Combined qualified: 19

Reputation: 100%
Country: Australia
Joined: 2018-09-10

Michael Hendriksen's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 1
 - 1
 - 1

Michael Hendriksen's solo records stats

Michael Hendriksen's Badges (50)

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Michael Hendriksen's Solo Patterns
3 ball cascade blind 1/574m 11s2018-09-304
3 ball cascade blind behind the back17/33150c2018-09-201
3 ball cascade in behind the neck throws12/2044c2018-09-111
3 ball cascade with penguin catches8/29172c2018-09-201
3 ball mills mess blind4/1143c2012-04-281
3 club cascade blind7/1431c2018-09-121
4 ball async fountain blind 2/28144c2017-11-211
4 ball async fountain with arms crossed6/1034c2018-09-112
4 ball high middle low shower13/187c2018-09-111
4 ball two high two low shower5/79c2018-09-111
4 club 5319/2338c2018-09-132
4 club async fountain blind 3/55c2017-02-171
4 club async fountain in doubles61/9586c2012-01-302
4 ring 53414/1821c2018-09-111
5 ball (6,4x)*21/3756c2018-09-113
5 ball 1 hand async fountain15/456c2017-06-051
5 ball 5 half shower27/3885c2018-09-121
5 ball 64555/7445c2018-09-112
5 ball 74457/8833c2018-09-112
5 ball cascade76/2405m 30s2017-09-242
5 ball cascade blind4/198c2017-02-141
5 ball cascade with penguin catches7/105c2018-09-101
5 club cascade in doubles58/122101c2017-07-094
5 ring cascade39/93115c2017-05-091
6 ball (8,4)*20/206c2018-09-121
6 ball 75 half shower45/6228c2018-09-112
6 ball async fountain61/164134c2017-04-283
6 ball async fountain with clawed catches4/66c2018-09-101
6 ball sync fountain37/9044c2018-09-101
6 ball wimpy isolated11/1326c2018-09-201
6 club async fountain in triples33/616c2017-07-281
6 ring async fountain37/7232c2017-07-261
6 ring sync fountain25/4415c2018-09-242
7 ball 95 half shower6/813c2018-09-121
7 ball cascade82/184101c2017-11-096
7 ball cascade isolated18/2214c2018-09-131
7 ring cascade32/579c2017-05-262
8 ball 9999999906/169c2018-09-111
8 ball async fountain44/12817c2017-07-211
9 ball cascade43/1199c2017-04-241
Michael Hendriksen's Recent Solo Records
3 ball cascade blind4m 11s2018-09-302018-09-30-
6 ring sync fountain15c2018-09-242018-09-24-
3 ball cascade with penguin catches172c2018-09-202018-09-20-
3 ball cascade blind behind the back150c2018-09-202018-09-20-
3 ball cascade blind3m 12s2018-09-202018-09-20-
6 ball wimpy isolated26c2018-09-202018-09-20-
4 club 5338c2018-09-132018-09-13-
7 ball cascade isolated14c2018-09-132018-09-13-
3 ball cascade blind1m 32s2018-09-122018-09-12-
3 club cascade blind31c2018-09-122018-09-12-
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