

Combined flashed: 20
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Joined: 2013-04-10

Jamie's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 0
 - 1
 - 0
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 652

Jamie's solo records stats

Jamie's Badges (49)

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Jamie's Videos

Jamie's Solo Patterns
3 ball 1 hand 804013/2138c2007-10-154
3 ball 1 hand async fountain25/78115c2007-09-227
3 ball backcrosses29/64100c2007-11-0214
3 ball cascade blind13/58306c2007-10-143
3 ball cascade blind behind the back28/3316c2007-10-013
3 ball cascade with penguin catches14/30100c2013-04-121
3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples17/246c2007-07-203
4 ball 1 hand async fountain22/6623c2007-09-038
4 ball 534 mills mess variation24/2624c2007-06-112
4 ball 63312/59315c2007-06-232
4 ball 73335/25200c2007-07-165
4 ball 753123/55100c2007-07-212
4 ball async fountain in overheads19/37149c2007-07-025
4 ball boston mess4/6100c2007-05-203
4 ball high low shower17/37144c2007-04-103
4 ball mills mess19/65290c2007-07-1510
4 ball one high two low shower7/1672c2007-06-222
4 club 53 half shower5/1060c2008-06-221
4 club async fountain in doubles6/9716m 30s (2800c)2023-02-0611
4 club async fountain in singles27/71204c2008-06-225
4 club sync fountain in doubles28/54100c2007-04-094
4 club sync fountain in singles20/41120c2007-01-241
4 ring mills mess 2/330c2022-07-271
5 ball (6,4x)*14/37146c2007-10-276
5 ball (6x,4)*35/75204c2007-06-239
5 ball (8x,4)(4,4)*14/2140c2007-10-283
5 ball 1 hand async fountain33/475c2007-08-241
5 ball 5 half shower20/37145c2007-11-024
5 ball 64554/75100c2008-03-247
5 ball 66322/3469c2008-06-012
5 ball 74437/89150c2007-10-3111
5 ball 75324/45100c2008-03-246
5 ball 77113/35150c2007-11-117
5 ball 9444428/3925c2007-11-012
5 ball 9753143/7430c2008-06-014
5 ball cascade103/2474m 15s (1020c)2007-08-3031
5 ball cascade in overheads16/3551c2008-06-026
5 ball high low shower22/2828c2007-11-022
5 ball reverse cascade13/57201c2007-11-205
5 ball shower29/74100c2007-06-212
5 club cascade in doubles50/128176c2023-09-1020
5 club cascade in singles28/3610c2008-06-193
5 club cascade in triples27/3010c2008-06-221
5 ring cascade61/9651c2007-03-314
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)19/2512c2007-05-181
6 ball 75 half shower46/6140c2007-08-165
6 ball 75652/536c2007-05-181
6 ball async fountain84/170100c2007-09-2420
6 ball b9753131/466c2013-04-121
6 ball shower38/4612c2006-10-051
6 ball sync fountain39/9352c2007-09-088
6 ball wimpy22/59150c2008-03-0210
6 club async fountain in triples55/636c2023-06-201
6 club sync fountain in doubles4/96c2007-05-211
7 ball (8x,6)*30/5624c2008-03-206
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower26/3517c2007-08-031
7 ball cascade104/18677c2008-01-2028
8 ball async fountain68/12918c2023-09-107
8 ball sync fountain16/7618c2013-04-102
8 ball wimpy31/5918c2008-03-014
9 ball cascade83/12210c2007-09-242
10 ball async fountain47/499c2013-04-131
Jamie's Recent Solo Records
8 ball async fountain18c2023-09-102023-09-23
5 club cascade in doubles176c2023-09-102023-09-25-
6 club async fountain in triples6c2023-06-202023-06-21
All handles, first time ever

4 club async fountain in doubles16m 30s (2800c)2023-02-062023-02-06
Clean finish, tired arms
5 club cascade in doubles82c2023-02-062023-02-07
87 throws
4 ring mills mess30c2022-07-272022-07-28-
10 ball async fountain9c2013-04-132013-04-13
6 ball b975316c2013-04-122013-04-12
out of and into a qualify of async
3 ball cascade with penguin catches100c2013-04-122013-04-13-
8 ball sync fountain18c2013-04-102013-04-10-
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