
Zoilo Adalia

juggling on and off for years (first saw brian pankey do it on RS and it looked cool), haven't really been too consistent with it. can do 3 prop juggling, 2 with one hand pretty fluently however 4 prop has stumped me quite a lot. goal: by the end of year do 4 balls...

Zoilo Adalia has been juggling for 9 months.

Combined flashed: 9
Combined qualified: 9

Reputation: 81%
Country: Philippines
Joined: 2024-04-09

Zoilo Adalia is participating in the following leagues:
The Numbers League

Zoilo Adalia's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 38
 - 21
 - 2
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 634

Zoilo Adalia's solo records stats

Zoilo Adalia's Badges (41)

View Zoilo Adalia's badge progress

Zoilo Adalia's Videos

Zoilo Adalia's Solo Patterns
1 ball 1 1/151h 18m 45s2024-04-093
1 ball 1 blind 1/61h 18m 45s2024-04-091
1 ball 50000 1/7505c2024-04-091
1 ball 50000 isolated 2/6150c2024-04-091
1 club 1 1/611m 3s (1000c)2024-04-091
1 club 1 blind 1/411m 3s (1000c)2024-04-091
1 club 300 in one and a halfs with ohshits 1/375c2024-04-091
1 club 300 in one and a halfs with ohshits isolated 1/375c2024-04-091
1 club 300 in singles 2/55m 34s2024-04-091
1 club 300 in singles isolated 1/35m 34s2024-04-091
1 ring 1 1/3174c2024-04-112
1 ring 1 blind 1/3174c2024-04-112
1 ring 1 hand columns 1/31m 6s2024-04-091
1 ring 300 2/3174c2024-04-091
1 ring 300 isolated 2/3174c2024-04-091
2 ball (4,4)(0,0) in overheads with a club balanced on the head 2/486c2024-04-111
2 ball (4,4)(0,0) with a club balanced on the head 2/486c2024-04-111
2 ball 1 hand 40 with a club balanced on the head 2/319c2024-04-111
2 ball 1 hand in shoulder throws 1/10138c2024-04-111
2 ball 1 hand reverse shoulder throws 1/4171c2024-04-123
2 ball 2 2/512m 1s2024-04-091
2 ball 501 with penguin catches 1/4112c2024-04-091
2 ball 50500 2/42m 57s2024-04-091
2 ball 50500 isolated 1/3250c2024-04-091
2 ball 55000 1/356c2024-04-091
2 ball 55000 isolated 1/356c2024-04-091
2 club 411 in doubles 1/5500c2024-04-121
2 ring 1 hand async fountain laying down 1/752c2024-04-101
2 ring 330 3/4200c2024-04-101
2 ring 330 isolated 3/4200c2024-04-101
2 ring 501 1/41000c2024-04-123
3 ball 24 1/1012m 2s2024-04-121
3 ball 423 behind the back 1/260c2024-04-091
3 ball 522 blind 1/312c2024-04-101
3 ball 5313 in overheads 2/3120c2024-04-121
3 ball 9111 2/35c2024-04-091
3 ball 50505 blind 1/46c2024-04-091
3 ball 50505 isolated 2/415c2024-04-262
3 ball 55500 isolated 2/47c2024-04-101
3 ball 55500 mills mess variation 1/3102c2024-04-121
3 ball backcrosses with a ring balanced on the head2/26c2024-04-111
3 ball cascade blind on a rola bola 2/630c2024-04-091
3 ball cascade blind with a ball balanced on the head 2/3141c2024-04-111
3 ball cascade froggy style 2/310c2024-04-111
3 ball cascade inline 1/272c2024-04-101
3 ball cascade in overheads with a ring balanced on the head 2/318c2024-04-111
3 ball cascade with a ring on ankle 1/287c2024-04-111
3 ball chops in overheads 1/26c2024-04-101
3 ball shoulder throws variation: 4 as a normal, 2 as a shoulder throw, 4 as a normal, 2 as a normal and 3 as a normal 1/295c2024-04-111
3 ball shower blind 1/202m 45s2024-04-111
3 club cascade blind on a rola bola2/211c2024-04-111
3 club cascade in singles with arms crossed 2/37c2024-04-121
3 club cascade with a ring on ankle with a club balanced on the head 1/28c2024-04-111
3 ring cascade blind 1/11156c2024-04-091
3 ring cascade with a ball balanced on the head 1/5220c2024-04-121
Most consecutive 2 ball flashes 2/4302024-04-091
Most consecutive 2 ball flashes isolated 1/3302024-04-091
Most consecutive 3 ball flashes isolated 2/4202024-04-091
Shortest time to achieve 10 catches of 1 ball 1 1/81s2024-04-091
Shortest time to achieve 10 catches of 3 ball cascade 2/92s2024-04-101
Shortest time to achieve 25 catches of 3 ball cascade 1/44s2024-04-101
Shortest time to achieve 50 catches of 3 ball cascade 1/68s2024-04-101
Shortest time to achieve 500 catches of 3 ball cascade 1/31m 48s2024-04-121
Zoilo Adalia's Recent Solo Records
3 ball 50505 isolated15c2024-04-262024-04-26-
1 ball 140m 8s2024-04-142024-04-14

1 ball 125m 39s2024-04-132024-04-14
the fatigue set in, i want to do 90 minutes (will post the video when I do it). can\'t find any patterns that i can use to rank up so ill improve the ones i did so far. easy pattern, but after a while it can get easy to throw it too hard or drop by acciden
3 club cascade in singles with arms crossed7c2024-04-122024-04-12-
3 ball 5313 in overheads120c2024-04-122024-04-12-
3 ring cascade with a ball balanced on the head220c2024-04-122024-04-12-
3 ball 2412m 2s2024-04-122024-04-12-
2 ring 5011000c2024-04-122024-04-13-
2 club 411 in doubles500c2024-04-122024-04-13-
2 ball 1 hand reverse shoulder throws171c2024-04-122024-04-13-
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