

Combined flashed: 29
Combined qualified: 25

Reputation: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Joined: 2016-08-15

Lukedaviesss's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 5
 - 9
 - 11

Lukedaviesss's solo records stats

Lukedaviesss's Badges (61)

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Lukedaviesss's Groups

Lukedaviesss's is a member of the public group: Ball Numbers.
Lukedaviesss's Solo Patterns
3 ball backcrosses27/64101c2016-08-271
3 ball backcrosses with a club balanced on the head5/812c2016-08-021
4 ball shoulder throws5/13150c2016-08-151
4 club 73334/1332c2020-08-141
4 club 55550 backcrosses in triples4/812c2016-08-151
5 ball 9753113/73270c2016-03-151
5 ball box 2/545c2016-08-151
5 club backcrosses in doubles8/1312c2016-08-151
5 club backcrosses in triples13/1718c2016-08-151
5 club cascade in flats7/1220c2016-08-151
6 ball wimpy with a club balanced on the head 3/490c2020-08-151
6 club async fountain in doubles9/1912c2016-08-151
6 ring b97531 2/66c2020-08-141
7 ball 9955 3/76c2016-08-151
7 ball 8888881 3/1335c2016-08-121
7 ball backcrosses 2/813c2016-08-271
7 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head6/1230c2016-08-271
7 club cascade in triples24/5325c2016-08-151
8 ball 97 half shower8/3240c2020-08-141
8 ball 978 3/1139c2020-08-141
8 ball 99999991 3/816c2016-08-121
8 ball a77 3/516c2020-08-141
8 ball aa66 2/38c2020-08-141
8 ball async fountain9/12890c2016-07-091
8 ball async fountain in outside throws1/116c2016-08-151
8 ball async fountain isolated4/1120c2016-08-151
8 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head 3/616c2020-08-141
8 ball b777 2/615c2020-08-141
8 ball d77777 2/36c2020-08-141
8 ball e7777771/17c2020-08-141
8 ball f77777771/18c2020-08-141
8 ball fdb97531 1/716c2016-08-141
8 ball wimpy5/56130c2016-08-271
8 club async fountain in quads4/98c2016-08-271
8 ring async fountain18/4716c2020-08-141
9 ball (ax,8)* 3/928c2016-08-061
9 ball aaaaaaaa1 1/49c2016-08-141
9 ball b88 2/316c2020-08-141
9 ball cascade18/11945c2016-04-151
9 ball cascade isolated 3/718c2016-08-151
9 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head 2/618c2020-08-141
9 ball reverse cascade 1/313c2016-08-271
9 ring cascade11/299c2020-08-141
10 ball async fountain5/4922c2016-08-141
10 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head2/212c2020-08-141
10 ball b9 half shower 1/720c2020-08-141
10 ball bbbbbbbbb11/110c2020-08-141
10 ball bbbbbbbbbb0 2/310c2020-08-141
10 ball sync fountain4/3920c2016-08-151
10 ball wimpy4/2020c2016-08-091
11 ball (cx,a)*1/112c2020-08-141
11 ball cascade5/2817c2016-08-141
11 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head1/111c2020-08-141
12 ball dddddddddddd0 1/312c2020-08-141
12 ball sync fountain4/1412c2016-09-031
Most connected 6 ball 4 up 360s 3/1032016-08-151
Most connected 6 ball 6 up 360s 3/622016-08-151
Most connected 6 club 4 up 360s1/112016-08-151
Lukedaviesss's Recent Solo Records
6 ball wimpy with a club balanced on the head90c2020-08-152020-08-15-
9 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head18c2020-08-142020-08-15-
10 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head12c2020-08-142020-08-15-
11 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head11c2020-08-142020-08-15-
9 ring cascade9c2020-08-142020-08-15-
8 ring async fountain16c2020-08-142020-08-15-
8 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head16c2020-08-142020-08-15-
8 ball 97839c2020-08-142020-08-15-
8 ball b77715c2020-08-142020-08-15-
8 ball d777776c2020-08-142020-08-15-
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