
Alex McGillivray

Alex McGillivray has been juggling for 16 years and 3 months.

Combined flashed: 28
Combined qualified: 25

Reputation: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Joined: 2018-01-31

Alex McGillivray's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 3
 - 2
 - 8

Alex McGillivray's solo records stats

Alex McGillivray's Badges (44)

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Alex McGillivray's Groups

Alex McGillivray's is a member of the public group: Ball Numbers.
Alex McGillivray's Solo Patterns
5 ball 97531 3/743m 25s (1025c)2018-04-251
5 ball backcrosses10/3860c2017-04-121
5 club backcrosses in triples12/1821c2016-04-121
6 ball 1 hand async fountain6/2110c2018-04-121
6 ball 9637/1163c2018-05-161
6 ball b975315/46210c2018-03-121
6 club async fountain in triples20/6224c2020-08-042
6 club sync fountain in triples5/1812c2015-05-301
7 ball (8x,6)*15/55100c2017-05-301
7 ball 1 hand async fountain4/107c2018-02-121
7 ball 86711/2560c2017-05-301
7 ball 96611/3360c2017-05-301
7 ball 9755/1312c2017-07-311
7 ball 99554/76c2016-04-121
7 ball b66664/820c2016-09-301
7 ball backcrosses 3/89c2017-04-121
7 ball cascade22/1861m 20s2018-04-121
7 ball db97531 2/1549c2017-06-121
7 club cascade in triples34/5315c2015-03-311
8 ball 97 half shower9/3340c2016-09-301
8 ball 9784/1230c2018-04-061
8 ball 99999991 3/816c2016-04-121
8 ball async fountain17/12970c2018-05-121
8 ball b777 3/612c2017-08-311
8 ball fdb97531 2/78c2017-04-311
8 ball sync fountain5/7642c2017-04-311
8 ball wimpy6/57128c2018-04-261
8 ring async fountain17/4718c2015-03-311
9 ball (ax,8)*6/912c2015-01-311
9 ball (ax,8x) half shower 3/919c2016-08-311
9 ball cascade16/12058c2018-05-161
9 ring cascade17/319c2015-03-311
10 ball async fountain9/4920c2018-05-211
10 ball b9 half shower 3/714c2016-08-311
10 ball sync fountain5/4120c2016-07-311
10 ball wimpy6/2020c2018-08-161
11 ball cascade9/2915c2017-06-301
12 ball async fountain9/1112c2019-03-101
12 ball sync fountain8/1412c2016-08-311
12 ball wimpy 3/812c2018-05-291
Most connected 6 ball 4 up 360s 3/1032016-04-121
Most connected 6 ball 6 up 360s 1/642016-04-121
Most connected 7 ball 5 up 360s 1/622015-04-121
Most connected 7 ball 7 up 360s 1/622016-04-121
Alex McGillivray's Recent Solo Records
6 club async fountain in triples24c2020-08-042020-12-18-
12 ball async fountain12c2019-03-102020-12-18-
10 ball wimpy20c2018-08-162018-01-31-
12 ball wimpy12c2018-05-292018-05-29-
10 ball async fountain20c2018-05-212018-01-31-
6 ball 96363c2018-05-162018-04-12-
9 ball cascade58c2018-05-162018-01-31-
8 ball async fountain70c2018-05-122018-01-31-
8 ball wimpy128c2018-04-262018-01-31-
5 ball 975313m 25s (1025c)2018-04-252018-04-25-
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