

Combined flashed: 12
Combined qualified: 12

Reputation: 100%
Joined: 2012-09-22

regularjugular's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 0
 - 0
 - 0
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 652

regularjugular's solo records stats

regularjugular's Badges (32)

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regularjugular's Solo Patterns
3 ball 1 hand async fountain62/7820c2012-07-051
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head30/345c2012-10-021
3 club 5550012/1630c2012-07-051
3 club cascade in doubles52/72100c2012-07-061
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head33/4530c2012-10-052
4 ball 53447/78150c2012-09-272
4 ball 534 mills mess variation26/266c2012-09-241
4 ball 61510/32324c2012-09-244
4 ball 64228/3478c2012-09-291
4 ball 71417/2472c2012-09-271
4 ball 74123/3093c2012-09-292
4 ball 663111/1524c2012-09-291
4 ball 7441410/20135c2012-09-246
4 ball 7531417/2265c2012-09-293
4 ball async fountain40/17811m 40s2012-09-253
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head30/316c2012-10-021
4 ball mills mess45/6587c2012-09-275
4 club 53424/3730c2012-10-061
4 club 5529/2088c2012-07-052
4 club 6158/915c2012-10-061
4 club 555112/1924c2012-07-051
4 club 555506/980c2012-07-063
4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head24/266c2012-10-072
5 ball 64538/75183c2012-09-243
5 ball 66330/3415c2012-09-292
5 ball 74452/89102c2012-09-244
5 ball 75340/4515c2012-09-293
5 ball 77134/3521c2012-09-241
5 ball 9753155/7410c2012-09-273
5 ball cascade117/247840c2012-09-247
5 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights8/999c2012-09-247
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head36/415c2012-10-041
5 ball mills mess38/4412c2012-09-241
5 ball reverse cascade29/5760c2012-09-242
5 club cascade in doubles88/12830c2012-09-207
6 ball 77777125/3418c2012-10-071
7 ball cascade157/18615c2012-09-252
regularjugular's Recent Solo Records
5 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights70c2013-06-132013-06-13-
6 ball 77777118c2012-10-072012-10-08
right hand start
5 club cascade in doubles20c2012-10-072012-10-08
surely will do better soon
4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head6c2012-10-072012-10-08-
4 club 61515c2012-10-062012-10-08
fairly flukey run
4 club 53430c2012-10-062012-10-08
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head30c2012-10-052012-10-06-
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head5c2012-10-042012-10-04
Sloppy, low and took far too many attempts, but it's a start. Club on chin :)
4 club async fountain in singles with a club balanced on the head4c2012-10-022012-10-03-
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head5c2012-10-022012-10-03
I'm sure I got more but I got distracted with other patterns
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