View Moritz Rosner's badge summary

Moritz Rosner's Club Badges

Club Basics (1/9)
3c Singles
Goal: Juggle the 3 club cascade in single spins for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c Doubles
Goal: Juggle the 3 club cascade in double spins for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c Triples
Goal: Juggle the 3 club cascade in triple spins for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c Flats
Goal: Juggle the 3 club cascade in flats for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c Hero
Goal: Run ten 3 club patterns for 100 catches
Progress: 9 out of 10 patterns
2c ioh
Goal: Juggle 2 clubs in one hand for 50 catches. Remember to practice both sides!
Progress: 0 out of 50 catches
4c Singles
Goal: Juggle 4 clubs in async and sync in singles for 50 catches
Progress: 1 out of 2 patterns
4c Doubles
Goal: Juggle 4 clubs in async and sync in doubles for 50 catches
Progress: 0 out of 2 patterns
Club Qualifies (6/7)
3c Qualify
4c Qualify
5c Qualify
6c Qualify
7c Qualify
8c Qualify
9c Qualify
Goal: Qualify 9 clubs
Progress: 9 out of 18 catches
Club Flashes (7/8)
3c Flash
4c Flash
5c Flash
6c Flash
7c Flash
8c Flash
9c Flash
10c Flash
Goal: Flash 10 clubs
Progress: 0 out of 10 catches
Club Endurance (3/5)
5c End.
6c End.
7c End.
3c End.
Goal: Juggle 3 clubs for an hour
Progress: 1 out of 60 minutes
4c End.
Goal: Juggle 4 clubs for 20 minutes
Progress: 2 out of 20 minutes
Club Body Throws (4/11)
3c Albrts
3c Trbls
5c x2 Bxx
5c x3 Bxx
3c Lazies
Goal: Juggle 3 club lazies for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c Ovrhds
Goal: Juggle 3 club overheads for 100 catches
Progress: 0 out of 100 catches
3c R. Bxx
Goal: Juggle 3 club reverse backcrosses for 50 catches
Progress: 48 out of 50 catches
4c Ovrhds
Goal: Juggle 4 club overheads for 50 catches
Progress: 44 out of 50 catches
4c Lazies
Goal: Juggle 4 club lazies for 50 catches
Progress: 0 out of 50 catches
4c S.Thrws
Goal: Juggle 4 club shoulder throws for 50 catches
Progress: 24 out of 50 catches
5c Ovrhds
Goal: Juggle 5 club overheads for 20 catches
Progress: 5 out of 20 catches
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