Bence Ónodi's Progress for 5 club cascade in doubles
5m (1000c) 2022-09-192022-09-19
I havent done endurances with 5 club but now...
2m 19s 2021-10-262021-10-26-
1m 47s 2021-09-282021-09-28-
1m 33s 2021-09-242021-09-24-
300c 2021-08-222021-08-22-
271c 2021-08-142021-08-17
So good, let\'s continue the club practice, this is just the very beginning
205c 2021-08-102021-08-17
Finally!!! Broke my previous record twice
198c 2021-01-172021-01-17-
107c 2021-01-132021-01-13-
100c 2021-01-122021-01-12-
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