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Numbers League Live: BJC 2023

The BJC 2023 Numbers League Live occurred on 10th April 2023 at The British Juggling Convention in Ramsgate, UK. It was the first-ever Numbers League Live event and saw 19 competitors from 7 countries compete for podium places in balls, clubs, rings and a combined competition.

The BJC 2023 Numbers League Live finalists
Competition Results
Combined Results
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Competition Video Timeline
00:00:14 - Introduction
Eivind Dragsjø introduces the competition and explains the format.
7 Rings
00:03:52 - George and Anne
George: 13 catches
Anne: 20 catches
00:07:24 - Spencer and Mark
Spencer Androli: 185 catches
Mark Pender-Bare: 20 catches
8 Rings
00:10:25 - George and Anne
George: 10 catches
Anne: 9 catches
00:13:28 - Spencer and Mark
Spencer Androli: 29 catches
Mark Pender-Bare: 10 catches
9 Rings
00:18:41 - George and Anne
George: 4 catches
Anne: 3 catches
00:22:40 - Spencer and Mark
Spencer Androli: 13 catches
Mark Pender-Bare: 5 catches
10 Rings
00:26:05 - Spencer
Spencer Androli: 8 catches
6 Clubs
00:39:54 - Simon and Shuji
Simon à Campo: 8 catches
Shuji: 6 catches
00:43:05 - George and Domenyk
George: 6 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 16 catches
00:45:58 - Spencer and Adrian
Spencer Androli: 96 catches
Adrian Goldwaser: 24 catches
7 Clubs
00:50:06 - Simon and Shuji
Simon à Campo: 6 catches
Shuji: 4 catches
00:53:14 - George and Domenyk
George: 3 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 10 catches
00:56:04 - Spencer and Adrian
Spencer Androli: 220 catches
Adrian Goldwaser: 7 catches
8 Clubs
01:00:01 - Domenyk and Adrian
Domenyk La Terra: 4 catches
Adrian Goldwaser: 5 catches
01:02:49 - Spencer
Spencer Androli: 8 catches
9 Clubs
01:06:11 - Spencer
Spencer Androli: 2 catches
8 Balls
01:12:19 - Simon and George
Simon à Campo: 22 catches
George: 19 catches
01:15:16 - Spencer and Adrian
Spencer Androli: 36 catches
Adrian Goldwaser: 17 catches
01:18:12 - Bas and Domenyk
Bas van de Kerkhof: 11 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 29 catches
01:20:55 - Simeon and Luke
Simeon Graham: 91 catches
Luke Burrage: 16 catches
9 Balls
01:24:38 - Simon and George
Simon à Campo: 13 catches
George: 11 catches
01:27:40 - Spencer and Adrian
Spencer Androli: 25 catches
Adrian Goldwaser: 8 catches
01:30:53 - Bas and Domenyk
Bas van de Kerkhof: 8 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 26 catches
01:33:53 - Simeon and Luke
Simeon Graham: 33 catches
Luke Burrage: 11 catches
10 Balls
01:37:12 - Simon and George
Simon à Campo: 10 catches
George: 10 catches
01:40:29 - Spencer and Domenyk
Spencer Androli: 10 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 10 catches
01:43:26 - Simeon and Luke
Simeon Graham: 14 catches
Luke Burrage: 10 catches
11 Balls
01:47:20 - Simon and George
Simon à Campo: 10 catches
George: 5 catches
01:50:10 - Spencer and Domenyk
Spencer Androli: 7 catches
Domenyk La Terra: 8 catches
01:53:24 - Simeon and Luke
Simeon Graham: 11 catches
Luke Burrage: 8 catches
12 Balls
01:57:04 - Simeon
Simeon Graham: 8 catches
Award Ceremony
01:59:55 - Award Ceremony
Eivind Dragsjø announces the final results and awards medals.

Other Media from Numbers League Live: BJC 2023

"BJC 2023 Numbers Juggling League Live Championships" Vlog by Luke Burrage
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